A Little Bit About Me...

I was born and raised in Germany, I am fluent in German and English and hold both, the US and the German citizenship. My health journey started when I was a teenager. All of a sudden realized I was always completely exhausted during the days, especially in the afternoons. I often could not keep up with the busy lifestyle of normal teen.  Often I dragged myself along and had no explanation why I felt this way. It became my new normal.

During college and grad school my situation became severe and often it was difficult for me getting through the day. My exhaustion started to affect my relationships and the connection with my loved ones. The doctors I consulted told me that there is nothing wrong with me. I continued with my life as best as I could,  earning my Bachelor in Business Administration and starting my first job in a corporate environment, stil pretending everything is just fine. 

After becoming a mother of 2 wonderful children and many moves accross the globe I was at a point, where I could not deny that I needed to find the root cause for me feeling so unwell. I started my own research. I read each and every health and self-help book I could get my hands on. I was on a mission to get better and to educate myself to the best degree prossible. After consulting several medical professionals I finally ended up in the office of a functional doctor. This was an eyeopening event. For the first time someone from the medical field was actively listening to what I had to say and for the first time I met a doctor who was capable of putting all loose ends of my symptoms together, so that everything finally made sense. It turned out I had a chronic and severe thryoid condition, which had been not been treated properly over more than two decades. The lack of treatment for so long had caused several other health issues and symptoms to develop which now needed to be addressed first on my way to recovery. It was a very long and rocky road back to health for me. 

My own health journey sparked my interest in a healthy lifestyle, fresh foods, meal preparation, and overall wellbeing with regards to LIFE, MIND and BODY. For the next 20+ years I made it my personal mission to seek out the best practices in health and wellness while embarking on a personal path to live the healthiest most authentic life. As a result those around me frequently asked for advice and guidance in living a healthier more vibrant life, I knew supporting others on their own path to health and happiness was my calling. 

I earned my professional Life-Coach degree and became a Certified Personal Trainer (AMFPT) and a Certified Sports Nutritionist. By combining my knowledge gained during my coporate carrier with my passion for coaching, I started to support clients on their personal health and wellness journey.  To impove knowledge I added several Yoga and Meditation certificates to my list and I am an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher (ERYT 500h) registered with the Ameridan Yoga Alliance.  The LIFE-MIND-BODY coaching idea was born.  

Fast forward, after having worked with many clients in my coaching practice, I realized that many of them started to face increasing physical and psychological road blocks around their midlife. Entering this phase of life myself, and facing many of the struggles first hand, I immediately knew, this was the area I wanted to focus on and specialize in.  It became  very clear that I wanted to deepen my eduction in alignment with my beliefs and my passion for health and wellbeing. This led me the Functional Medicine Coaching academy. put in some serious hours studying the principles of Functional Medicine, nutrition, mind-body medicine, and positive psychology coaching and earned my degree as a certified Functional Medicine  Health Coach. The Functional Medicine Coach Training Academy was founded in collaboration with the Institute For Functional Medicine, so all of my training prepared me to partner with you and your medical team. 

I am currently in the process of preparing to sit for my upcoming National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching (NBHWC) exam, to earn my National Board Certification as a Health and Wellness Coach through the National Board of Medical Examiners. The National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching (NBHWC) has collaborated with the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) since 2016 to provide a robust board certification examination. The esteemed NBC-HWC credential represents training, education, and assessment standards, allowing for the profession to advance in all aspects of health care and wellness. (Click here for more information on why your health coach should be NBC-HWC certified).

I continue to learn as we all are never too old and it's never to late. I am presently enrolled at Grand Canyon University to earn my 

Master of Science in Psychology - with Emphasis on Life Coaching. This will perfectly complement all my previous coaching educations and experiences, with even more in depth learning by studying the human psychology of personal growth and development. I am very excited and can’t wait to support my clients even better, by offering  them a broarder knowledge in psychology, sociology and counseling to help them achieve their health and wellness goals and maximize their own potential in life.

I look forward to supporting you on your path to take control of your health and well-being. A healty and balanced LIFE-MIND-BODY is the future and plays an important part in enjoying midlife and beyond to the fullest. I am committed to being part of a better future for you as my clients and our world.